Hey Guys! Here is the tutorial that previous post I mentioned about, FILM!
So, if you interested on this DIY, follow the few steps below, and you can make it your own personal Film easily :D
You can make it and give it to your friends or family, and especially your lovers :D
Let's try it!
- Prepare a piece of black paper, you can use manila card or a big piece of black colour paper to make it. Fold it into half and it will look like a long rectangle, follow your photo's size to cut it become thinner, because if you use a big paper, after you fold it will too big for your film.
- Choose some photo that you want to make it from your computer.
- Adjust the photo before you print it out, use a tracing paper to print it, the tracing paper will make the photo more look alike film because it's transparent. You can buy it from popular or any stationery store( I'm not sure every stationery shop is selling this lah :/ ). Then, cut it the photo and remember to leave some space before cut the photo out, because the space we need to put on glue :)
- Measure the length and the weight of the photo ( not include the border) then you use a pencil draw it on the black paper ( after folded). Use a blade to cut it down the grey section.
- Put some glue or double tape on the border that just now I asked to leave it ( Include back side) then follow the column that already cut it out and carefully paste on it, just like the sample picture that I show you.
- Last step, follow the sample film picture below cut it the small squares on top and below the photo.
DONE!!!! Look at the film under the sun, it will look very nice :DD
I hope you all can know what I'm teaching :/ Actually I wanted to show it the tutorial by photo, but my camera memory can't read it so I use paint to do it a tutorial clipart :(
I know it's quite blurr lah, but I'm trying so hard to use a clipart to explain this tutorial,lollll
so, if any question about this tutorial you can leave a comment below the post or you can find me on facebook chat, I will reply u asap :)
Tata, need to revision now, exam is around the corner, oh noooooooo!
Hope you all enjoy :D
Enjoy and stay tuned!
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thankiew :)

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
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