Non stop shaopping this few days, hiak hiak!
Today hang out wif another pretty baby Vivian ,hohoho
We went to One U for preparing something(secret =P). . .
Because monday when in Zara saw many pretty clothes,
so today I when in again, gosh!
There were many pretty new stuff! argh! ! !
tried some dresses. . .
OMGosh! It is soooooooooooo nice! ! !
But the price more nice RM200++
I think i will buy it one day if the dress haven sold out,hehehe
Having 3 meals wif vivian ,keep on eat. . .
gonna become a fat girl, nooooooooo!
window shopping whole day, and just bought some bread -.-
hmmm. . .no idea to blog xD
bye,stay tuned!